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Monday, August 24, 2009
up in the clouds ; 8:49 PM

9 more days people.
plus teachers'day holiday!
SCHOOL WAS FUN. 5 lessons and 3 teachers didnt come and other 2 is the same teacher. HAHA
oh nooo putting on braces tmr! D: scared scared!
thats why i ate so much today!
hc has sabbats. freaking UNFAIR.
bsp test on wed , cmon jiayou :D

went for a run today and it was SO SO HOT! i think i gave up after like 20 mins. but i like sweating. feels (Y)

monday blues monday blues. everyone has it, no?
& i hope joey cheers up! she seems so sad D:

Sunday, August 23, 2009
youth scape ; 7:43 PM

hello world.
was at youth scape today for espoir group carnival. it was raining and i dont think as many came as expected. D:
but they tried hard and cheers to that.
after that went shopping. and WALKING.
hahaha. back to cine AGAIN -.- then home! taking bus home very fun :D
reached home on time PHEWWWW.
okay 10 more days to mug then HOLIDAAAAYS.

Give me therapy
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything
Therapy, you were never a friend to me
And you can keep all your misery.

My lungs gave out
As i faced the crowd
I think that keeping this up could be dangerous
I'm flesh and bone

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
; 7:23 PM

some fucking perv screwed up my moood.

Monday, August 17, 2009
la la land or so so land ; 5:18 PM

school was....alright i guess.
got back bio ooooh! but DAAAMN! miss one mark to A2 so im getting mslye to consider my essay question again:D yay wish me luck.
removing seperaters and putting on some metal thingy on my teeth tmr! OH NO. MORE DAYS OF NOT EATING.
haha my cramps are much better today! AS I SAID, PANADOL IS MY LIFESAVIOUR.
(panadol should hire me man)

assembly had a talk about LDP, seems pretty cool but the application forms were really challenging. The questions were open ended :O
getting back chinese paper, im crossing my fingers! (and toes)

Sunday, August 16, 2009
; 2:48 PM

bad cramps):

Friday, August 14, 2009

& we were stomping the ground and cheering out loud!
nanyang girls HIGH.
will update more tmr.
to sum up, this year's founders day was pretty coool.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
thief teeth! ; 7:15 PM

my teeth is kinda better but...its still horribly hard to eat!
i bet i lost like 1kg or something. no la. our hot bods have STORED FAT. :D
haha yanglaoshi must be damn pissed at me!!
i at first say want go shanghai one then after that say dont want.
well...........shanghai can skip eoys but.....i wanna take the whole eoys. anyway, i wanna skip ih. but go beijing or shanghai also must take ih so go beijing la. plus i got this desire to climb great wall of china!
got back math and chemistry today. did quite well.....for me but maths can do better! got careless mistakes for chem too ): LIKE SUPER CARELESS.
friday is founders day and im on the WHITE team.
ahhh idk what to blog about.
people blog about what they feel and stuff.
and i really cant stand my 4 missing teeth.
its so weird.
and so so hard to eat.
i miss eating.
eating is life.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
hurts. ; 8:43 PM

never never put braces. it HURTS.
extracted 4 tooth today. 2 top 2 bottom.
i cant eat. i cant think. im like in a pms moood.
and im like some retard saliva keeps coming out no control.
it hurts so much i cried.
im gonna invent MOUTH PADS man.
lauren says it should be called BLOODY HELL MOUTH PADS. note: literal meaning and pun
and company?
let it branch out from whisper.
mouth pads = no talk = whisper.
next einstein (Y)

Monday, August 10, 2009
yawn. ; 10:16 AM

watched GI joe ytd. it was awesome!
haha.i feeel bored today!
idk.....it just this mundane feeling i miss going back to sch!
oh right.self reminder: thermometer tmr.
shall work on chinese and alit today but sadly, everyone forgot to scan to me):
oh well. shall ask again!
should do chinese.
its just....i think im gonna put it in yanglaoshi pigeon hole i too shameful pass to her personally already. cos due like.....when school reopened. OOPS.
i feel like getting more clothes.
bored bored bored.
its cold and windy and so nice to sleep.
but sleeping is for pigs.

Bored? Listless? Help is at hand!
Pass away the pointless hours with our list of things to do when you're bored

Things you can do with absolutely nothing
Things you can do with very little
Things you can do with another person


Blink wildly and then close your eyes really tight for an interesting light show
(Amusement Potential: 1-5 minutes)
See a variety of blobs, stars and flashes. Try to make out shapes and see if your subconscious is trying to send you a message (perhaps that funny shape is saying, 'send all your money to urban75.com'?)

See how long you can hold a note
(Amusement Potential: 4-20 minutes)
Not that much fun, but it sure passes the time. Play with a friend, or try to beat your own personal best. Inhale deeply and then try and make a noise for as long as you can. Earn extra points for making your partner laugh or ending on an amusing note.

Try to not think about penguins
(Amusement Potential: 1-5 minutes)
This is especially hard, because by trying too much, you remember what you were trying to avoid thinking of. If you try too little, you end up thinking about penguins anyway.

Use your secret mind power
(Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)
Pick a passing by and try to use your mind power to command them do something, like drop their bag or knock into someone. The law of averages dictates that sooner or later one of your mind commands will come true, so you can convince yourself that you really have super human powers and waste even more time trying them out.

Pretend you're a robot
(Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
Walk down the street with mechanical movements, adding 'zzzzzt' sounds with each motion. Pretending to have a motor broken in, say, your left hand can add at least 30 seconds more entertainment.

Scratch yourself
(Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
Go ahead, scratch yourself now. Even if nothing itches, go ahead. Doesn't that feel pretty good?

Rate passers by
(Amusement Potential: 10-15 minutes)
Secretly award passers by marks out of ten as you go along, offering (unsaid) expert criticism over their clothing, hairstyle and footwear choices.

Repeat the same word over and over until it loses its meaning
(Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
Pick a random word out of a magazine and say it aloud to yourself until it becomes a meaningless set of noises.

Pinch yourself
(Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
What is pain? Why is it unpleasant? There's nothing physical about it - it's all in your mind. Plus, after pinching yourself for awhile, boredom will seem nice next to being in pain.

Try to swallow your tongue
(Amusement Potential: 1-2 minutes)
There's not much to say about this one. It is possible, but really stupid.

Pretend to be a car
(Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)
Make appropriate revving noises in your head as you walk along and add a racing commentary as you pass strangers in the street. Use blinking eyes as indicators for extra authenticity.

Make prank phone calls
(Amusement Potential: 20-60 minutes)
Very entertaining, but requires discipline. Remember - vulgarities don't make a call funny, but getting the other person to believe a ridiculous story will. Try seeing if you can get them to make noises to 'test' the line. One to get you started off: Call McDonalds with weird complaints about their food.

Pretend all humans will die except for people in room with you
Amusement Potential: 10-20 minutes)
What would you do if this really happened? Would the group stay together, or would there be factions? Who would join what group? Remember, there would only be power for a few days before the plants ran out of fuel or broke. To travel, you would always have to be near cars to siphon gas out of. Best to do with people you know.

Step off a curb with eyes shut, imagine it's a cliff
(Amusement Potential: 2-5 minutes)
To get any benefit out of this one, you have to have a good imagination. Don't step off immediately, build up to the jump. Study the ravine below. Feel the winds at that altitude. Step off and...AHHHHHH!!!!!


Have a water gargling contest
(Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)
Put a glassful of water in your mouth and see how long you can keep gargling for. Award yourself extra points for loud and amusing gargling noises, and minus points if you laugh.

Stare at the back of someone's head until they turn around
(Amusement Potential: 2-5 minutes)
This works on the "I have the feeling I'm being watched" principle. Conduct an experiment-does this really work?

DISCLAIMER: Obviously, a lot of these suggestions are really dumb things to do, so don't take them seriously.

And whatever you do, don't be as stupid as this halfwit from New Jersey who mailed us this: "we attempted your 'water drinking contest' we drank 48oz of water each in about 7 min, and 3 seconds later we were puking uncontrollably all over the kitchen. how dare you put this on your web site its very dangerous and health dangering. legal action may take place since you have no warnings on your site explaining you are not responsible for out comes of ''useless games' or the possible risks. please contact me back so we can settle this matter with out involving the law. "
credits to: http://www.urban75.org/useless/bored.html (Y)(Y)


Friday, August 7, 2009
xoxo, you know you love me. ; 8:56 PM

The Upper East Siders have graduated from their high school and are heading to college except for Chuck who will run the family's business. Vanessa, Blair, and Dan attend NYU with Georgina while Serena goes to Brown University in Rhode Island. Nate, meanwhile, stays in New York and enrolls in Columbia University.

Also spotted on the location were Chace Crawford and Penn Badgley. The latter in particular will share a lot of scenes with Duff because she will be his new love interest. The catch is, Duff's Olivia Burke is a movie star in disguise as college student because she wants to experience an ordinary life. Badgley's Dan catches her eyes and they hook up with Dan having no clue about Olivia's true identity.

credits to www.aceshowbiz.com

haha cant waaaaaait.

Thursday, August 6, 2009
; 10:38 PM


nomore blocks.

aha but i stil feeel so sian sian dian dian. ):

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
cheers, to reality. ; 7:11 PM

its chem tmr. last ppr!
i feel so slacker. its like only got one test left then i dont feel like studying anymore.
im feeling so guilty.
actually i like exams.
just like saiying....and i think alot of others.
Exams are fun, its the getting-back-results part that isnt so fun.

was stranded cos it was raining!!
then was under the railway track :O some motorcycle guy just swerved in there to keep from the rain too and then he took this bag and started putting on pants and shirt those waterproof kind at the side of the road. it was amusing if i had an umbrella. but sadly, i didnt.

screwed up alit today.
interpretated the whole thing wrongly....... ):
maths was okay..hope can get A. alit is....idk. i comfort myself by the fact that it is impossible to study for alit for the devil is asking me to question myself on the fact that i missed the clues!

so i calculated, if i get a D7 for Alit, i have to get EVERYTHING A2 and only ONE b3 to get an msg of 2.75. WHICH SUCKZ BALLZXZ.

peace out.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
; 3:05 PM

3 more papers.
well, 4 if u count AMC.
feel like going for a run, but frog squats really killed my legs. and i only did like 20? then tried frog jumps. i gave up after 3.

wear your heart on your sleeve?

; 2:51 PM

The Teacher

Stories like this, always have a way of putting the right perspective on life.

Jean Thompson stood in front of her fifth-grade class on the very first day of school in the fall and told the children a lie. Like most teachers, she looked at her pupils and said that she loved them all the same, that she would treat them all alike. And that was impossible because there in front of her, slumped in his seat on the third row, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard.

Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed he didn't play well with the other children, that his clothes were unkept and that he constantly needed a bath. And Teddy was unpleasant.

It got to the point during the first few months that she would actually take delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen, making bold X's and then marking the F at the top of the paper biggest of all. Because Teddy was a sullen little boy, no one else seemed to enjoy him, either.

At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was required to review each child's records and put Teddy's off until last. When she opened his file, she was in for a surprise. His first-grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is a bright, inquisitive child with a ready laugh." "He does his work neatly and has good manners...he is a joy to be around."

His second-grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is an excellent student well-liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle."

His third-grade teacher wrote, "Teddy continues to work hard but his mother's death has been hard on him. He tries to do his best but his father doesn't show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if some steps aren't taken."

Teddy's fourth-grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in school. He doesn't have many friends and sometimes sleeps in class. He is tardy and could become a problem."

By now Mrs. Thompson realized the problem, but Christmas was coming fast. It was all she could do, with the school play and all, until the day before the holidays began and she was suddenly forced to focus on Teddy Stoddard.

Her children brought her presents, all in beautiful ribbon and bright paper, except for Teddy's, which was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper of a scissored grocery bag. Mrs. Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents.

Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing, and a bottle that was one-quarter full of cologne. She stifled the children's laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume behind the other wrist. Teddy Stoddard stayed behind just long enough to say, "Mrs. Thompson, today you smelled just like my mom used to."

After the children left she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she quit teaching reading, writing, and speaking. Instead, she began to teach children. Jean Thompson paid particular attention to one they all called "Teddy."

As she worked with him, his mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he responded. On days where there would be an important test, Mrs. Thompson would remember that cologne. By the end of the year he had become one of the smartest children in the class and...well, he had also become the "pet" of the teacher who had once vowed to love all of her children exactly the same.

A year later she found a note under her door, from Teddy, telling her that of all the teachers he'd had in elementary school, she was his favorite. Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy.

He then wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still his favorite teacher of all time.

Four years after that, she got another letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he'd stayed in school, had stuck with it, and would graduate from college with the highest of honors. He assured Mrs. Thompson she was still his favorite teacher.

Then four more years passed and yet another letter came. This time he explained that after he got his bachelor's degree, he decided to go a little further. The letter explained that she was still his favorite teacher, but that now his name was a little longer. The letter was signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, M.D.

The story doesn't end there. You see, there was yet another letter that Spring. Teddy said he'd met this girl and was to be married. He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering...well, if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit in the pew usually reserved for the mother of the groom. And guess what, she wore that bracelet, the one with several rhinestones missing. And I bet on that special day, Jean Thompson smelled just like...well, just like the way Teddy remembered his mother smelling on their last Christmas together.

Wait, don't they all hate each other?.
Simone Lim yy

tagboard non-existent
Commenton post itself

NYGH 309

August 2009
September 2009

Design: sweet.intoxication
Images: TheBlueMirror/DA & glitztownprincess/Photobucket
Lyrics: The Veronicas
Host: Photobucket
Colours: December

Right Round (featuring Ke$ha) - Flo Rida